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The 7th Wave COVID-19 Coexist Period Market Survey
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Omicron hugely hit and broke out in Taiwan in April 2022.

As a follower of the Omicron outbreak that happened in other countries, Taiwanese citizens face the situation that the number of confirmed cases is increasing while the restrictions continue to be lifted globally. Therefore the significant uncertainty highly affects the way consumers adjust their behaviours.

After been staying in the long queue for buying antigen test kits, seeing positive results, receiving PCR results and taking care of themselves and family, EOL Group would like to know how the consumers have taken action? Have and how they changed their daily routines? What do they expect and see the changes in the near future? How will they do when coexisting with the virus?

To understand more about the consumers' thoughts and way of behaving, EOL Group conducted a survey and analysed the data collected from the Taiwanese citizens. We hope the report shown below provides a clearer story for you.

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